Sunnydaypoetry's Blog

Just another weblog

Aimee Le @ TeaHaus (This Tuesday) February 8, 2010

Filed under: Upcoming Events — sunnydaypoetry @ 5:50 pm

Admission: Free
Tea & Cupcakes: Free (Suggested Donation of 1$ per)

Join us for our Valentines Day Spectaculoganzathon! Each month, we have a featured poet read, followed by an open mic. There will be free tea and cupcakes available while supplies last (though we kindly appreciate all donations), and all proceeds go to the Haitian Relief Fund. This month we have the indefatigable Aimée Lê, and in celebration of Valentines Day, Wordworks poets Peggy Burrows, Maggie Hanks, Michael Moriarity, Courtney Whittler and others will be making love-poem cameos! Gahl Liberzon hosts.

7:30-8:00pm- Aimée Lê
8:00–9:00pm– Open Mic

“Aimee Le is a sophomore at Dartmouth College who originated from Ann Arbor. She transferred in her senior year of high school from Pioneer to Community High, where she wrote and directed a one-act play, The Chair. Aimee was youth slam champ ’08 and has a sizeable cardboard box full of trophies and press clippings. She spends her time tramping in the trainyards, freezing her kneecaps, watching execrable television shows and trying to find a job. Although most “asian fusion” cuisine tastes like plastic with some peanut sauce, Aimee is Asian fusion at its tastiest. ”


Tuesday Febuary 9th 2010


204 N. Fourth Ave

Ann Arbor MI


Poem of the Day: WOMEN ARE TAUGHT

Filed under: Poetry iLike — sunnydaypoetry @ 5:27 am

WOMEN ARE TAUGHT from teahouse of the almighty

I’m convinced it’s a man’s smell that pulls us in–

faux leather and spiced soap, splashes of lemon

and Old Spice, the odd oil tinging his sweat.

As women, we were designed to wither beneath

the mingled stench of them. As a women, I was

yo, yo, baby work that big ass, you must want


what I got

to whither

c’mon honey just let daddy stick it in a little bit


bitch of course i love you i give you money don’t i

Why else would i cage myself in glorious raiment

of spandex and lace, paint my panting the hues

of burn, twist my voice from madam to smoke?

Why else, once he has left me, do i bury my face

in the place his sex has pressed, inhale

what he has left, and pray to die there?

On the day I married, I was such porcelain

delicate and poised to shatter. I was unflinching,

sure of my practiced vows,

already addicted to sanctity of bondage.

I was an unfurled ballad in a scoop-necked

sheath carved of sugar. And him on my arm,

grinning like a bear, all sinew and swagger

Bibles were everywhere. Dizzied by rote,

I stared at the gold rope around my finger.

He owned me.

And that felt nice.

That felt right.

the first time i hit her

I thought the loose tooth a temporary nightmare

the second time i hit her

He cried himself to sleep, and that was nice,

that was right

the third time i hit her

He counted scars and whispered never again

baby never again

When I’d die without you

turned to i’ll kill you if you ever leave me

I bristled like a hound in heat, I didn’t

understand that not being aroused, when

let’s get away

turned to

you’ll never get away

such heat rippled my

belly such crave in me screeching walk run run run


i etched a thin line into the throat of her running


i stalked the street just a breath behind her

i shattered our son’s skull with a shotgun


i wanted her dead

My first thought as he jammed the

still smoking barrel into my breastbone

her first thought

as the blade mapped my chest, the

hammer sliced the air toward my hair

the bullet pushed me though a plate glass window

my last thought you won’t believe this

my last thought

you really wont believe this

my last thought


he must really

love me

*more about Patricia

Partricia Smith is author of three previous collections of poetry, the children’s book janna and the kings, and co-author of Africans in America: Americans Journey through Slavery. A record setting four-time national poetry slam champion, the most successful slammer in the competition’s history—and arguably the world’s best spoken word performer,smith has been featured in the film Slamnation and on the HBO series Def Poetry Jam. She lives in New York.

also check out her video’s —>> (Skinhead)
